New Stuff

Worship Tech Web Tools Blog

4192093_illustration.gifThis is an ongoing blog of web tools and technology related to worship, music and church. The idea is to give you good web points and resources that you can go to. Some of it is just me cruising the net, others are favorites of friends.

Enjoy what you see here.  If you find an interesting, useful and technology related site or resource that deals with helping worship or musicians in general, please send us a note and we will check it out. Perhaps we can feature it here.


Enjoy! - Kim Gentes

Entries in settings (1)

Easy 1-2-3 for Turning Off Auto-Play On Facebook Videos (Kim Gentes/Worship Tech Blog)

Facebook is tiring sometimes. And having the videos autoplay can be annoying when you are trying to find something in the feed.  How do you turn off the autoplay? This one is relatively quick and painless.

Step 1

Click on the Privacy Shortcuts (lock icon) link on the top right of most browsers using Facebook. From the options that appear, select the "See More Settings" link at the bottom of the shortcuts listed. This should lead you here: . It should appear as below.

Step 2

Click on the "Videos" link at the bottom left portion of the screen among the catagories of settings. This will make the "Video Settings" tab appear. It should be located . It should appear as below.

Step 3

On the "Auto-Play Videos" setting select the "Off" option. You should be good now.



Mobile Facebook Video settings are done differently.  Here is the official Facebook help on adjusting those: