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Facebook Friends for a Whopper! Would you do it?

OK, so now we all know that Facebook is the new social community phenom.  It's not as much for kids, because of its closed nature and more stringent environment.  Not that I am endorsing it as a "safe" location, but as Internet things go, it is kept pretty clean.

Recently, I took a couple of courses online and both were managed through groups on Facebook.

Shortly thereafter, the relatives started finding me.  Then the friends. Then the church folks... and on it goes. Pretty soon everyone I had ever known or met in real life (in any capacity or to any degree) was becoming my friend on Facebook.  I thought that was pretty cool.  Occasionally there is some wackoness with all that, but hey, so is real life.  In general, it was cool.

Then I saw something that made all that Facebook stuff kinda freakishly fun.  A new brash promotion from Burger King-- I could sacrifice a few of my Facebook friends and get a free Whopper. What !?  Really!

Ya. Really. You can read all about it (and actually do it) right here:

It's corny, cool, weird, stupid, fun, sad and tasty all at the same time. Can't say that about a lot of things!

I did it! :) And while I felt sad at the time, I couldn't help thinking how the victims would feel who I sacrificed for the whopper.  It's a test of your mettle for sure.  You might consider politely asking 10 nice friends to be your sacrificial patties, so they get your warning prior rather than just the Burger King notification they will get automatically for anyone you delete as a friend for the sake of a Whopper. I found that I had more than enough folks who thought it was funny that I got my quota, got my burger, and re-added the friends soon enough :).

Check it out! 

Happy eating!


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