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I'm A Fool For Christ: Who's Fool Are You? - John Wimber (ThinkJump Journal #82 with Kim Gentes)

One of the most encouraging, thoughtful, kind-hearted and humble men I have ever heard is John Wimber. While he wasn't a personal friend, I had the opportunity to talk with him three times and each time I found his insights and demeanor to be unique and impactive. No doubt many of you would have heard of John. He was the leader who grew and led the group of Vineyard churches from just a handful of fellowships in Southern California to several hundred congregations around the world. He also was a pivotal force in the development of modern worship music around the entire world, both as a profound shift in musical style and in lyrical focus (John was never ashamed to admit that he felt Vineyard was called to write "love songs" to God). John was also an international leader whose scope and influence reached far beyond the Vineyard by his teaching and healing ministry. These are things many of you may already know.

But what many do not know is the humble and honest origins in which John first encountered God, encountered the church and began his journey into ministry. This remains one of remarkable poignancy, not just because of its authenticity, but because of its relevancy even to this day. We are always searching for ways to bring the gospel to those around us. John explores, via his testimony, how the trappings of Christian sub-culture and language are strange to the outsider. It remains an insightful, even humorous, testimony of the great love of God and His invitation to call each of us to to be a "fool for Christ". 


In my opinion, it is one of the most inspiring testimonies you'll ever hear.

For those interested in a full DVD version of this testimony, you can find it online at Amazon.

Amazon link:



Kim Gentes


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