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Why Do People Do Karaoke? (ThinkJump Journal #70 with Kim Gentes)

OK, time out from the seriousness of the blog for a lighter question on strange human behavior.

This is the question that has plagued humanity since the 70's-

Why Do People Do Karaoke? 

Please, help me out, and answer this! Doing so may just save the galaxy from imploding!! Well maybe not, but then again, it is one of the strangest human behaviors brought on with the advent of technology in music. 

Check out the poll below. Answer the question and see the current survey results graph. NOTE: YOU CAN VIEW THE SURVEY RESULTS ONCE YOU answer the question.

Thanks all! Have FUN!



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Reader Comments (2)

For the life of me, I can't see any up side to karaoke. It's just as humiliating to watch as it is to consider actually doing it -- or so I see it. I've been subjected to karaoke exactly once, and I left the area as quickly as possible, much to my wife's disgust. Not that she was going to sing or anything, but she seems to be immune to this form of agony.

June 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Wild Pear 2012 Karaoke night.
I feel it coming on.

September 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNathan

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