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The Clearing (2004)

theclearing_poster2.jpgOffbeat and convincing..

Overall Grade:B+

This film came and went away with such quickness in 2004 that I doubt many people saw it at all. Grossing just over 5million in US box office receipts, it failed commercially. The movie is unconventional enough that the average movie goer would balk at it, but it sticks to those who stick with it. I liked this film a alot. Redford goes the route of playing an emotionally dismal but successful business man. He and his wife have made the Amercian dream come true, but at the cost of some innocence and integrity with his family.

Dafoe plays a layed-off worker who ultimately seeks to "cash in" against the system that led his life into pain and personal failure to him, and in the eyes of his wife. The story comes to fruition as Dafoe takes Redford hostage, and looks to deliver him to a group of accomplices who wait for Dafoe in a hidden cabin deep in the woods.

The FBI come to the aid of Redfords family, trying to investiage and free Redford before time runs out. Their investigation unearths infidelty on Redford's part and pain for his family, even as they look to try to rescue him. It's a complicated character sketch, especially for Redfords wife, played by Helen Mirren. And this proves to be the strength of the movie. The characters and acting are suberb. But the plot does have some weaknesses, though they aren't problematic in delivering a strong track for the movie train to ride on. Redford and Dafoe deliver exacting performances and you will like the refreshingly non-Hollywood plot and honesty of their characters.

But don't go looking for a heroic happenstance to finish off your night of DVD rentals. This movies spins a yarn that makes you feel like it was too honest. The plot makes you think- "ya, that is how it would really happen". It doesn't leave you with all good or bad feelings, but a mixture that convinces you it was well thought and well executed.

This won't be your favorite movie this year, but it will make you think and feel, which your favorite list may not do.

This movie has brief explicit language and discusses issues you will likely not wanting your children under 13 to hear in a movie. However, this might be an interesting discussion point for older teenage children to talk with their parents about, since it has very central themes that come down to family, fidelty, honesty and love.


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