The Best of Celtic Praise and Worship - Eden's Bridge (2003)
Friday, August 17, 2007 at 6:46PM
Kim Gentes in CD Review, best of, cd, celtic worship, david bird, eden's bridge, music, praise, richard lacy, sarah lacy, worship

For those who have enjoyed the sounds of celtic music as they praise and worship God, there is no sound like the music of Eden's Bridge, and the signature vocals of Sarah Lacy. You will be captivated by the sounds of this excellent collection of the best work from Eden's Bridge. But more than just a pleasing sound, I found that the depths of devotion and contrition that are apparant in the lyrics of these songs had me rending my heart before God, then dancing in joy. For those who are new to celtic praise and worship, this is an excellent place to start. Normally, I don't laud much on collections, since they often things we have all heard. But in thise case, the uniqueness and rarity of excellent devotional music in the celtic style has me recommending this project very highly. Check out this project above and listen to the song samples, then add this album to your spin cycle on your car or home CD player. You won't regret it.

Product Link The Best of Celtic Praise & Worship: The Worship Music of Eden's Bridge

Review by Kim Gentes

Article originally appeared on Kim Gentes - worship leader and writer (
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